Monday, January 12, 2009

Shoulda Knew Better

Do you ever have one of those days where everything is going great until you put one toe in the kitchen and then it's a downhill train wreck? That was my evening yesterday. My friend Lidian gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread. I had eaten this bread in Alaska but have never tried to make it myself. So for ten days I mushed and I mushed this stupid bag of starter. I let the air out of it when it became bloated. Then on the final day, the day when I was supposed to measure and add yet more flour, sugar, etc. and then separate it so I could share the joy of Amish friendship Bread with others, it all blew up in my face. I am usually really careful about checking the recipe against what is in the cupboards. The ONE TIME I don't I find that I am am missing not only the 4 plastic bags ( the most important part because without them I can not give the gift that is Amish friendship Bread to others) but also the vanilla pudding that makes this bread oh so moist and delicious. So in a fit of frustration everything went down into the drain. I now regret my rash decision and thankfully I will get another chance to redeem myself.

FYI: Brett was extremely upset when he found out there would be no Amish Friendship Bread this week.

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